MATLAB: Creating a matrix with [xb^2, xb, 1]

MATLABmatrixmatrix arraymeanmidpoint

I'm trying to create this matrix where we have A = [xb.^2, xb, 1]. It will be a 3×36 matrix where I have found 36 values for xb.^2 and xb, and will have 36 1s in the matrix as well. I'm trying to put it all together right now, and I'm not sure how.
Here's what I have so far:
M = csvread('filename.csv',1,0);
N = csvread('filename.csv',1,0);
n = length(N(:,4));
m = length(M(:,4));
x = -1:1.8/36:0.8;
for t = 1:36
a = 0; b = 0; ymsum = 0; ynsum = 0;
for i = 1:n
if -N(i,4) < x(t+1) && -N(i,4) > x(t)
ynsum = ynsum + N(i,5);
a = a+1;
for o = 1:m
if -M(o,4) <= x(t+1) && -M(o,4) >= x(t)
ymsum = ymsum + M(o,5);
b = b+1;
xb(t) = (x(t)+x(t+1))/2;
ymb(t,1) = ymsum/a;
ynb(t,1) = ynsum/b;
The matrix is ideally supposed to look like:
A = [xb(1).^2 xb(1) 1
xb(2).^2 xb(2) 1
xb(3).^2 xb(3) 1
. . .
. . .
. . .
xb(36).^2 xb(3) 1]
It's probably really simple, but I'm not seeing it. Thank you.

Best Answer

A = [xb(:).^2 xb(:) ones(numel(xb),1)];