MATLAB: Creating a Matrix C from Matrices A and B such that C(i,j) = A(B(i,j))

coordinatesgpumatrixParallel Computing Toolbox

Hello everyone,
My problem is the following. I have two matrices. A is of size Nx1. B is of size KxM, and is composed of integers between 1 and N. I want to create a new matrix C of size KxM, such that
C(i,j) = A(B(i,j));
One obvious way would be to loop "for i=1:K … for j=1:K" but time efficiency is critical. Idealy, I would like to run this on GPU.
That does not look like a very specific problem so my intuition is that there should a simple way to do it that I am missing.
Thanks a lot if you have an idea.

Best Answer

The optimal and simplest way on the CPU is the single command,
As for working on the might see if things speed up if you make A and B into gpuArray objects, but if A is large, I'm not sure GPU-speedup is possible.
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