MATLAB: Creating a matrix after giving initial conditions

given initial conditionsmatrixtime intervals

I need to create a matrix when given the begin year, month, day, time and end year, month, day and time.
for example; (I do not need to see the header in the matrix)
I would like to enter:
begin year = 1998
begin month = 1
begin day = 1
begin time = 0
end year = 1998
end month = 2
end day = 15
end time = 12
(as shown in the table below)
But, if I enter leap years (e.g. 2000,2004, etc) it should include Feb 29 and do the same time steps (0 to 21) as shown in the table.
Then, the program should generate the output for the time periods given above. See the sample below.
Year Month Day Time
1998 1 1 0
1998 1 1 3
1998 1 1 6
1998 1 1 9
1998 1 1 12
1998 1 1 15
1998 1 1 18
1998 1 1 21
1998 1 2 0
1998 2 15 12
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

>> [dn(1:5,:);dn(470:485,:);dn(length(dn)-10,:)]
ans =
2000 1 1 0 0 0
2000 1 1 3 0 0
2000 1 1 6 0 0
2000 1 1 9 0 0
2000 1 1 12 0 0
2000 2 28 15 0 0
2000 2 28 18 0 0
2000 2 28 21 0 0
2000 2 29 0 0 0
2000 2 29 3 0 0
2000 2 29 6 0 0
2000 2 29 9 0 0
2000 2 29 12 0 0
2000 2 29 15 0 0
2000 2 29 18 0 0
2000 2 29 21 0 0
2000 3 1 0 0 0
2000 3 1 3 0 0
2000 3 1 6 0 0
2000 3 1 9 0 0
2000 3 1 12 0 0
2000 12 30 15 0 0
2000 12 30 18 0 0
2000 12 30 21 0 0
2000 12 31 0 0 0
2000 12 31 3 0 0
2000 12 31 6 0 0
2000 12 31 9 0 0
2000 12 31 12 0 0
2000 12 31 15 0 0
2000 12 31 18 0 0
2000 12 31 21 0 0
I introduced the ellipses in the output to show the breaks clearly...
Salt to suit...
Oh, isleapyr is one of my utilities...
function is=isleapyr(yr)
% returns T for input year being a leapyear
there may be a TMW-supplied equivalent since R2012b which lacks it.