MATLAB: Creating a legend inside a loop, using sprintf

for looplegendlooploopssprintf

I am trying to make a legend for a plot with 'beta' number of curves. Basically, beta would be beta = [1 : 5] if I decided to have five curves, but it can be any number. I want to make a legend for that number of curves, and specifically do this by using a for loop (I know there are other ways that don't need for loops but I want to use a for loop for this one specifically). The code that I have (below) just gives me a legend for one curve "beta=1beta=2beta=3beta=4beta=5". I would need a legend for five curves. Basically the first curve would be beta = 1, the second curve would be beta = 2, and so on. Can someone help me?
for beta_val = beta
plot(time, y);
hold on
lgd = sprintf('beta = %0.0f', beta);

Best Answer

Try something like this:
time = linspace(0, 2*pi); % Create Data

beta = 1:5; % Create Data
y = sin(time(:)*beta); % Create Data
for beta_val = beta
plot(time, y(:,beta_val));
hold on
lgd{beta_val} = sprintf('beta = %0.0f', beta(beta_val));
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