MATLAB: Creating a GUI in GUIDE from a Programmatic GUI

guiguidehandlesmatlab guiprogramming

Is there a way to easily switch a code from a programmatic GUI to a GUIDE GUI. I have a code written in a .m file that makes a great GUI, but it's hard to understand and I would like to make it myself in GUIDE. Is there a way to easily do this without messing with all the code already written? Some of the syntax differs between GUIDE and programmatic GUIs so I was wondering if that would need to be changed as well?

Best Answer

Try MAGIC: It has all the controls on there and you can keep or delete them as needed to customize it. It also has basic functionality already in there.
This GUI will help the novice user get up to speed very quickly on using GUI-based applications. Everything is laid out in a very simple Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, etc. layout. It is a very good starting point for a typical image analysis application. This application uses GUIDE to do the user interface design, and has most of the basic controls such as buttons, listboxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, scrollbars, etc. It allows the user to select a folder of images, select one or more images and display them, to select a series of options, and to individually or batch process one or more images. The user can ............
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