MATLAB: Creating a growing list

arraycell arraycell arrays

for r = 1 : whatever
for c = 1 : whatever2
if Range > 50
Joey = {('Bi**h Changed'),r,c}
I want joey to be a list, growing, currently it's overwriting at index one.
Quick fix please, I've seen long winded methods but I'm sure there's something very simple.
Joey = {Joey,('Bi**h Changed'),r,c} which is silly. Or having a counter, Joey {counter} = ect….. counter = counter +1, which is also silly.

Best Answer

Joey = cell(0);
before the loops and replace
Joey = {('Bi**h Changed'),r,c}
Joey(end+1:end+3) = {('Bi**h Changed'),r,c};
Silly or not is in the eyes of the beholder.
Or you might want
Joey{end+1} = {('Bi**h Changed'),r,c};