MATLAB: Creating a function getting the graident and passing variables to them

functionmatlab functionmultiplesymbolicvariable

Hi !
I am trying to creat a function that I can both use to pass values and compute the gradient of that function.
I tried both these :
but the for the first I cant pass values and the 2nd the gradient function in matlab does not work
syms x1 x2
f= 100*(x2-x1^2)^2 + (1+x1)^2;
gr= gradient(f)
%%%%%% other way
syms x1 x2
f=@(x1,x2) 100*(x2-x1^2)^2 + (1+x1)^2;
gr= gradient(f)

Best Answer

Is this that you want?
syms f(x1,x2)
f(x1,x2)= 100*(x2-x1^2)^2 + (1+x1)^2;
gr(x1,x2) = gradient(f,[x1,x2])
Then you can compute
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