MATLAB: Creating a Dynamic Table using push button in Matlab GUI

for loopmatlab guistructtableuitable

I am creating a dynamic table using Matlab GUI, so far it is going good. I will atach my code:
function EVRIM_GUI
f = figure('Visible','off','Units', 'centimeters', 'Position',[1.5,1.5,28,16.5]);
CreateBoundary = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','CreateBoundary','Units', 'centimeters','Position',[21.5,8,3,1],'Callback',{@CreateBoundary_Callback});
AssemblyData5 = {0,0,0,0};
function CreateBoundary_Callback(source,eventdata)
AssemblyTable5= uitable(f, 'Units', 'centimeters','Position', [12,1,9,5], 'Data', AssemblyData5,'ColumnEditable',[true, true, true,true], 'ColumnName',{'Position/m'; 'BodayName1';'BodyName2';'Type'},'CellEditCallback', {@AssemblyEdit_Callback5});
for TempIndex5= 1:4
AssemblyData5{TempIndex5,1} = 0
AssemblyData5{TempIndex5,2} = 0;
AssemblyData5{TempIndex5,3} = 0;
AssemblyData5{TempIndex5,4} = 0;
set(AssemblyTable5, 'Data',AssemblyData5);
I want to remove the for loop to create the number of rows in the table, it should only display 1 row initially, and when the user enters the data in the row and presses enter, another row should appear.
Does anybody knows what to change in it?

Best Answer

I found the answer:
function CreateBoundary_Callback(source,eventdata)
set(AssemblyTable5, 'visible', 'on')
data = get(AssemblyTable5, 'data');