MATLAB: Creating a datastore from multiple .csv files with different variables

combining data filescsv filesdata importdata store

I have several dozen big data .csv files containing of three collumns; Date, time and a value. The date and time collumns are the same for every .csv file, but the value collumn is different and contains a different variable for each file.
I would like to make a datastore which combines all these .csv files, thus containing the date (first collumn), the time (second collumn) and the nth collumns containing the n number of variable values (n depending on amount of .csv files).
This can then be converted into a tall array for easy data handling purposes.
Does anyone have an idea how to make this happen? Or maybe a better solution for this problem? I tried making multiple datasets and combining these into one tall array, but this is not possible.
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

location1 = fullfile('matlabroot','/home/user/filelocation'); ds = datastore({location1},'Type','csv',... 'FileExtensions',{'.txt','.csv','.xls'});
this will read all the files sequentially, then you can combine the values column.
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