MATLAB: Creating a Cell Array but I’ve Got The Size Wrong and Its Missing Certain Elements

cell arraysindexingMATLAB

This section of code is meant to take an even number of input arguments and return them as a cell array with two columns, one for the name and one for the value. With the test input I've been given it is only returning the the third and forth input arguments as a 1×1 cell array where as I'm looking for a 2×2 cell array. Is the issue with the ii indexing? Can I not do it like I've written here?
db = name_value_pairs('name','John Smith','age',32)
function [db]=name_value_pairs(varargin)
for ii = 1:2:(length(varargin)-1)
for i = 1:(length(varargin)/2)
x(i,1) = varargin(ii);
for ii = 2:2:length(varargin)
for i = 1:(length(varargin)/2)
x(i,2) = varargin(ii);
db = {x};
db =
1×1 cell array
{2×2 cell}
Thank you for any help or advice!

Best Answer

The logic in your code seems to over-kill for this task. db = {x} statement make the return value a 1x1 array. If you change it to db = x you will get a 2x2 array.
You can use reshape() to write a one-liner
function [db]=name_value_pairs(varargin)
db = reshape(varargin, 2, []).';