MATLAB: Creating a cell and allocation specific text

cell array

My objective is to create an array cell like:
result = {'Intercept','X1','X2','X3',….'X41'}, in the 1st colum I got the word Intercept, and 2nd X1, 3rd X2, so on until reach X41 in the 42th colum
result = cell(1,42);
result{1,1} = 'Intercept';
result_aux = sprintfc('X%d', 1:41);
result{1,2:end} = result_aux; % Here i get the error
From the last code line i get this error message:
Expected one output from a curly brace or dot indexing expression, but there were 41 results.
What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

result = cell(1,length(beta));
result{1} = {'Intercept'};
result(2:end) = sprintfc('X%d', 1:41);