MATLAB: Creating a 3-dim matrix from an array and a 2-dim matrices array

3-dimensional matrix creationconcatenationMATLABmissing valuesvariable matrix dimensions

I am trying to create a 3-dimensional matrix (e.g. 80 x 300 x 350) from an array (dim 80) and an array of 80 300 x 350 matrices. The second dimension in matrices may vary, so it needs to be padded by 0.
Any hint is welcome.
I have tried this:
for i=1:80
and got this:
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
Thank you

Best Answer

Close! but using :,: means that it must fill the whole thing, not pad with zeros. Instead, only fill to the size:
for i=1:80
sii = cell2mat(s1(i));
res(i,1:size(sii,1),1:size(sii,2)) = permute(sii,[3 1 2]); % permute to write orientation