MATLAB: Creating a 15×15 matrix with certain specifications


Hello everyone,
I am having trouble constructing a 15×15 matrix with the following specifications:
– it should only contain three numbers (0, 1, 2)
– there should be 110 0s (48.89% are zeros)
– there should be 110 1s (48.89% are ones)
– there should be 5 2s (2.22% are twos)
Any hints and explanations are greatly appreciated

Best Answer

You didn’t say if you wanted it to be random or non-random.
I would create the initial vector as:
v = [zeros(1, 110) ones(1, 110) 2*ones(1,5)];
then for a non-random matrix, just use the reshape function, and for a random matrix, use the randperm function first, then reshape.