MATLAB: Creating 3×201 matrix from set of numbers

for loopmatrix

Hi all,
I apologize in advance but I'm a newbie and don't have much experience with matlab – anyway here's what I'm trying to do.
I want to build a 201×3 matrix where every row has the same numbers, and the numbers in the columns go from 0 to 20e-10 with steps of 0.1e-10.
The matrix should look something like this:
[0 0 0
0.1 0.1 0.1
20 20 20]
I tried doing this by nesting three "for" loops in the following way:
for i = 0:0.1e-10:20e-10
for j = 0:0.1e-10:20e-10
for k = 0:0.1e-10:20e-10
I = [i,j,k];
but instead of obtaining 201×1 vectors, i, j and k are just numbers (20e-10, to be precise).
I tried looking into other commands but I've been asked to do this specifically with nested for loops.
Sorry in advance if it's a silly question – and thanks to whoever takes the time to help!

Best Answer

Matt's answer is the most efficient. However since you mentioned you needed to do it specifically with for loops here's the code that will do it in a nested loop.. One thing I noticed in your loop was that your variable I was being overwritten by the latest value of i,j,k hence all you were seeing was the last value of i,j,k.
for i=1:1:200
for j=1:1:200
for k=1:1:200