MATLAB: Creating 1024 ToggleButtons with almost the same callback


Hey together,
For a 1024 LED-Matrix I wanted to create a GUI where u can swith every single pixel on and off with a certain brightness. I wanted to create toggle Buttons which switch the Pixel on/off. So I started creating a 1024 huge buttonmatrix in GUIDE with copy/pasting as much buttons as possible. Afterwards to make sure Pixel 1 really represent Pixel 1 I renamed all Buttons accrouding to their Pixelnumber. EDIT : The Tag goes like T#### , for example for Pixel 1020 T1020 and for Pixel 66 T66.
For the callback I wrote the following Method to just copy/paste in every callback :
global TData
brtn = get(handles.slider1, 'Value');
Tag = get(hObject, 'Tag');
PPos = 0;
Si = size(Tag);
for i = 2:Si(2)
PPos = PPos*10 + str2num(Tag(i));
if(brtn < 0.3)
brt = 0.3;
brt = brtn;
if(get(hObject,'Value') == 1)
set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',[1*brt 1*brt 0]);
TData(PPos) = 256 * brtn;
elseif (get(hObject,'Value') == 0)
set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',[0.149 0.149 0.149]);
TData(PPos) = 0;
So my question is it somehow possible to make this "smarter" with a Buttongroup etc. or do I really just have to copy/paste this 1024 times again?
Thanks for your answers!

Best Answer

A simplified version of your code:
function buttonPress(hObject, EventData, handles)
global TData
brtn = get(handles.slider1, 'Value');
Tag = get(hObject, 'Tag');
PPos = sscanf(Tag, 'T%d');
brt = max(0.3, brtn);
if get(hObject,'Value')
set(hObject,'BackgroundColor', [brt, brt, 0]);
TData(PPos) = 256 * brtn;
set(hObject,'BackgroundColor', [0.149, 0.149, 0.149]);
TData(PPos) = 0;
You can use the same callback for all buttons. There is no need to create a specific function for each button, because the code uses the tag to perform the different actions.
By the way, global variables are a mess. Prefer to use guidata to store the values in the figure's ApplicationData. This avoid collisions with other programs and allows for a clean debugging of your code.
I prefer to create figures by code instead of using GUIDE. 1024 almost equal objects are easier to create in a loop:
FigH = figure;
index = 0;
shift = [0.0005, 0.0005, -0.001, -0.001];
for iy = 1:32
for ix = 1:32
index = index + 1;
uicontrol(FigH, 'Style', 'ToggleButton', ...
'String', sprintf('%d', index), ...
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'Position', [ix-1, iy-1, 1, 1] / 32 + shift, ...
'Callback', {@buttonPress, handles, index});
function buttonPress(hObject, EventData, handles, index)
PPos = index;
... see above