MATLAB: Create variables from xlsx-file.


I have a MATLAB script where I load data from an xlsx-file, using 'xlsread(filename,sheet,xlRange)'. However this gives me the data in cells. I want to turn these into variables. I tried a loop using cell2mat but this didn't work:
[subsetA,y] = xlsread(filename,sheet,xlRange);
N = length(y(:,1));
for i=1:N
y1(i) = y{i,1};
Doesn't work…. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

See the documentation on "xlsread" here:
You can see that the second returned value (in your case, "y") is the text fields in a cell array. When you index with the {} brackets, what gets returned is a char array representation of that text. In your code, you are trying to set this char array into a numerical value (y1 is a double array). The data types are conflicting, so this does not work. I would recommend keeping the cell array representation returned by xlsread, as this is the easiest way to store/access strings that differ in length.
I would also like to second Stephen's comment. If it's true that you would like to create variables named after strings in your spreadsheet, I would highly recommend rethinking the design of your code. Stephen's link gives a great tutorial on alternatives.