MATLAB: Create variable name and save

dynamically named variablesevalmkdirsavestrings

I work with several subjects, and I want to find a way to 1. May a new folder for each one of them (with their name and timestamp) 2. Store the matfile in the folder again under their name
Obviously I want to change names of the folder and the matfile not to often.
So far I have in mind something as the following code:
str = date;
Name_Folder = strcat('Personx_', str); %Folder name
Name_File = 'Personx_TrialOne'; % Name of matfile
Personx_TrialOne = 5; % ??
save(strcat('./',Name_Folder,'/',Name_File), Name_File);
But I don't see how I can save a value in "Personx_TrialOne" without having to type "Personx_TrialOne" explicitly (but by using Name_File for instance, such that for each person only this line would be changed. Hence something as in Name_File = 5 basically)

Best Answer

  • Instead of concatenating file-paths together, you should use fullfile.
  • sprintf can be used to generate the filename using some sequential integers.
  • mkdir can be used to create a new directory.
  • You can get the current date+time using clock, and convert this using datestr.
>> nameFolder = sprintf('Personx_%s',datestr(clock,'yyyymmdd'))
nameFolder =
>> trialNumber = 5;
>> nameFile = sprintf('PersonTrial_%i.mat',trialNumber)
nameFile =
>> namePath = fullfile(nameFolder,nameFile)
namePath =
>> save(namePath,...names of variables here!)
If you really want to automatically generate the words 'one', 'two', 'three', etc, for each trial, then you can use my FEX submission num2words: