MATLAB: Create two fprintf in two diferent lines

create two fprintf in two diferent lines

I want to separate the third fprintf from the second one. The code below first gives two first fprintfs correct however, it continues to print the third fprintf along the second row. How could I separate these?
fprintf(' E_11 \t E_11avg \t E_22\t E_22avg\n');
fprintf('%2.0f\t %2.0f\t %2.0f\t %2.0f\t',[E_11; E_11avg; E_22; E_22avg]);
fprintf(' B1 \t B2 \t B3\t B4 \t B5\n');
fprintf('%2.0f\t %2.0f\t %2.0f\t %2.0f\t',[BB(1,1); BB(2,1); BB(3,1); BB(4,1); BB(5,1)]);

Best Answer

You seem to be aware that '\n' is a newline so why don't you use it?
fprintf('\n B1 \t B2 \t B3\t B4 \t B5\n'); %\n added at the beginning of the 3rd fprintf
edit: actually if I understand what you're actually doing, you probably want to replace the last '\t' on the second line by a '\n':
fprintf('%2.0f\t %2.0f\t %2.0f\t %2.0f\n',[E_11; E_11avg; E_22; E_22avg]);
And if you're not aware of what the various escape characters do, see the doc of fprintf.