MATLAB: Create two different masks for a subsystem

masksuser defined blocks

Hello everyone,
I'm looking for a way to create two differents masks for a subsystem block in Simulink. I need it because I need to create a block, which is capable to show a mask when the simulation is stopped and another mask while the simulation is running. For the moment I wrote this code to put inside the OpenFcn
if (strcmp(get_param(gcs, 'SimulationStatus'),'paused') | strcmp(get_param(gcs, 'SimulationStatus'),'running') )
open_system(gcb, 'mask1')
open_system(gcb, 'mask')
but I cannot use because I don't know how to create two masks for a susbsystem
can you help me? at least is it possible to create two different mask?
thanks in advance

Best Answer

AFAIK, there's no way to create multiple masks for a block. The best you can do to change the appearance of your mask is to swap the properties of the mask itself. Also, the only thing you can change during a simulation are values of tunable parameters, so I don't think that Simulink will let you change things like MaskVariables like you want to, during simulation.
Perhaps you could explain more about what you're trying to do, so we can suggest an alternate solution if available.