MATLAB: Create table where user can input data in App Designer

app designereditable uitableinput in uitablesMATLAB

I am a civil engineering student at ASU, in Arizona. I'm working on a code that predict viscoelastic response to some defined excitations. Now I want to Design an App by using App Designer in Matlab.
The app will require user to enter 3 parameters for each element used in the response model. I've been trying to get that from an editable table of size (n,3), where n is the 'number of elements', which is also a user input.
Editable table might not be the right tool but i only need a matrix of (n,3) from user input. Below is what I did but the zeros are irreplaceable.
% Callback function: LoadButton, UITable
function UITableCellEdit(app, event)
n = app.NumberofElementsEditField.Value;
dt = zeros(n,3,"double");
app.UITable.Data= dt;

Best Answer

You need to tell the App designer that you want which columns to be editable.
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