MATLAB: Create string with characters in char array


I have a char array, which I want to use to name a .mat file into which i will save a couple of variables:
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
str 1x4 8 char
str = F024
str contains only the characters: 'F024'. I want to use the 'save' function to save some variables with the filename being F024. I have tried using:
however, an error is returned stating that the argument must contain a string.
Is there a way to convert the char array to a string? I don't want to manually enter the filename as it would mean that the data processing I am doing would take far longer.
Unfortunately I cannot use convertCharsToStrings as my university is running MATLAB v.R2016a.

Best Answer

The problem is not with your str variable, which is perfectly fine, but with the variable1 and variable2 which must be a string or char array containing the names of the variables, not the variables themselves, i.e.:
save(str, 'variable1', 'variable2', '-append');
save(str, variable1, variable2, 'append');