MATLAB: Create MDD file for Rigol DS 4000 series scope

Instrument Control ToolboxMATLABmddrigol

I am using MATLAB 2015a and Instrument Control APP. I am trying to create a MDD file for my Rigol DS 4000 series scope. I have downloaded IVI and VISA drivers. But no success. I am particularly troubled that I can not run the simple MATLAB example makemid('hp34401'); without getting the error "The specified driver could not be loaded." What am I missing?

Best Answer

I suspect you've not installed the hp34401 driver and you are trying to call MAKEMID on that driver. The error message, "The specified driver could not be loaded.", is pointing you in the right direction.
List the available IVI drivers (more specifically IVI-C drivers) on your machine by looking at the output of
>> Iviinfo = instrhwinfo('ivi')
>> Iviinfo.Modules
You can call MAKEMID on the modules listed in the output of the second command.