MATLAB: Create matrix…please help me..

create matrix

I have 2 matrix, A(m,n) and B(o,p). which m=o and n=p, then n and p depend on user input. if input = 3 then n = p =3, if input =10 then n = p =10, and so on. Now, i wanna create matrix C which consist of A and B with the structure like this C=[A(:,1) B(:,1) A(:,2) B(:,2) …A(:,n) B(:,p)] how can i create that matrix, with n and p depend on user input?iam confuse…please help.
thanks in advance.

Best Answer

% So you have 2 matrices that are the same size.
A = rand(4,5)
B = rand(4,5)+50
% Stack them on top of each other
C = cat(1, A, B)
% Rearrange them to have the same 1st dim size as the original
C = reshape(C, size(A,1),[])
You see here that the "C" variable has columns like you requested C=[A(:,1) B(:,1) A(:,2) B(:,2) ...A(:,n) B(:,p)]