MATLAB: Create grouped bar chart using figure handle

bar chartfigure handlegrouped bar

Hello mad labbers
I'm having trouble creating a grouped bar chart using figure handles.
It ends up being stacked instead of grouped when adding data to it using its handle. The two cases below illustrates the problem – A gives the intended plot, but the plot in B is stacked instead of grouped.
Does anyone if one can get plot A using a handle as in B?
x = [1 2 3];
y1 = [3 6 8];
y2 = [6 5 3];
Case A:
y = [y1; y2]';
ax = subplot(1, 2, 1);
hold(ax, 'on');
bar(ax, x, y, 'grouped')
Case B:
ax = subplot(1, 2, 2);
hold(ax, 'on')
bar(ax, x, y1, 'grouped');
bar(ax, x, y2, 'grouped');

Best Answer

I don't know what you mean by figure handles. However, when you call the bar function mutliple times the outputs are independent of one another and thus become stacked like in your example. What you can do to avoid this is to pad the data with nans.
ax = subplot(1, 2, 2);
hold(ax, 'on')
bar(ax, x, [y1;nan(size(y1))]', 'grouped');
bar(ax, x, [nan(size(y2));y2]', 'grouped');