MATLAB: Create for loop to simplify code and output arrays

arrayfor loopsimplifytext file

I have this code:
len1 = a(4);
st1 = 5; % starting index for first channel
y1 = a(st1: st1+len1-1);
len2 = a(st1+len1);
st2 = st1+len1+1; % starting index for second channel
y2 = a(st2: st2+len2-1);
len3 = a(st2+len2);
st3 = st2+len2+1; % starting index for third channel
y3 = a(st3: st3+len3-1);
len4 = a(st3+len3);
st4 = st3+len3+1;% starting index for fourth channel
y4 = a(st4: st4+len4-1);
This is taking data from a text file and outputting different values for y (i.e y2 = 1524×1 double).
I know there's a simpler for loop I can do but I can't seem to get it right! Can you help?

Best Answer

Solution, array to cell needed:
ch = a(1);
len = a(4);
st = 5 ;
y{1} = a(st: st+len-1);
for i = 2 : ch
len(i) = a(st(i-1) + len(i-1 ));
st(i) = st(i-1) + len(i-1) + 1 ;
y{i} = a(st(i):st(i)+len(i)-1 );