MATLAB: Create dataset from multiple Cell arrays

cell arraysdataset

Hi everybody,
I have a problem to better structure my data…
My results are located in a 47×1 cell array. In fact, each rows is one patient's results. Each patient have nine colums of results, also located in a cell arrays. So, I have 47 patients. For each of them, 9 cell arrays of results.
I would like to create an unique dataset that contains the 3, 4, 5th cell arrays of each patient. After I would like to export this dataset to csv file.
I'm sorry I can't share my code because it's patient's data, but I attach captures of the cell arrays.
Hope you can help me.

Best Answer

For lack of answers to my questions, here is a more efficient method than the accepted answer:
allpatients = vertcat(Results{:}); %convert in a 47x9 cell array
desireddata = cell2mat(allpatients(:, [3, 4, 5]));
A better way (for further processing) would have been to convert to a table but answers neeeded....