MATLAB: Create cell array with the same string n-times

cell array

Hi all,
I have another problem I haven't found any soulution for yet.
I have a list of Values and I have the name of the .mat-file the values are saved in as a string.
For example
values =
Now I need to create a cell array with the name of the file for each value.
For example
>> values.filename
ans =
Values.mat Values.mat Values.mat Values.mat Values.mat
Does anybody know how I can create that cell array, size depending on how many values I have?
Thanks a lot! Oli

Best Answer

The names of your variables are a little confusing ... You are starting with values being a double array and then wanting values to be a structure ...
To answer your question you can create a cell array with the same string n-times with deal.
doc deal
Specifically you can make a 1x5 cell array filename have the value saved in name with:
[filename{1:5}] = deal(name);
you may want to consider a structure array ...
values = struct('value', mat2cell(values, 1, ones(5, 1)), 'filename', name)