MATLAB: Create and plot random points with connected lines

plot random points graph

I wondered if there is a way to plot random points I know the total number of them, and then plot the lines that connect them. The connectivity matrix (A) is known and it has a size of nXn, where n is the total number of points and all elements of A are either 0 (no connection) or 1 (connected). If possible, I want to limit the dimension of graph by (1 X sqr(2)) unit of plot. Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Assume that A is symmetric with zeros on the diagonal (bidirectional connections) and that there are n points.
x = rand(n,1);
y = sqrt(2)*rand(n,1);
hold on
for i1 = 1:n-1
for i2 = i1+1:n
if A(i1,i2) ~= 0
hold off
axis equal