MATLAB: Create and display a cell array that have a same length of requiremant

cell arraystring

I a writting a script that will create and display a cell array that will loop to store strings of lengths 4, 5, 6, and 7. it will ask the user for the string and also make a error-check. for example:
Enter a string of length 5: hello
Enter a string of length 6: !@#$%^
ncell{2} =
Error: String has wrong length
ncell{3} =
Here is my code
stringlength = cell(4,1);
n = 4;
for i = n:7
stringlength{i} = input('Enter a string of length :','s')
if length(stringlength) ~= i
disp('Enter the right one')
stringlength{i} = input('Enter a string of length :','s')
However, the code seems wrong because it keeps going although I put in a wrong length of strings

Best Answer

length(stringlength) is the length of the cell array, so it's 4. So your
if length(stringlength) ~= i
will always be true on the first iteration of the loop ( i = 4) and false all the others ( i=5:7).
You forgot to index in the cell array. To test the length of the string:
Note that there's a flaw in your program. If the user fails to enter a string of the right size, you ask him again to enter a string of the right size. The second time round, you don't check it, so any size can be entered.