MATLAB: Create an array of strings


I try to create an array of strings
fruit = ['apple', 'cherry']
What modifications are needed so that fruit(2) is 'cherry' not 'p'?
Following the two first answers to this question I created a case:
style = {'.blue', '.red'};
f1 = figure;
for theta = (0:0.1:1)*pi
for ind = 1:2
plot(theta, cos(theta + pi*ind), style(ind)); hold on;
The code does not accept style(ind) as an argument. The error message is
Error using plot
Invalid first data argument

Best Answer

>> fruit = {'apple', 'cherry'}
fruit =
'apple' 'cherry'
with curly braces creates a cell array of strings. I use R2016a. The display format for cell arrays has been changed. And to reference one of the strings
>> fruit{2}
ans =
See Create Cell Array. Note the links at the bottom of the page.