MATLAB: Create an array of handle objects using for-loop

arrayclassfor loopMATLAB

I created my own handle Class called CModelDeficit, and now want to create an array of this objects with slight difference in parameters:
function M = meta(obj)
M = [];
p = obj.getParameters(); %this gives me parameters of initial object
p(3) = 0.1;
p(4) = 0.1;
M = [M,CModelDeficit(p)]; %CModelDeficit(p) is a constructor of a class with parameters 'p'
p(3) = 0.2;
p(4) = 0.2;
M = [M, CModelDeficit(p)];
Calling this function returns me a 1×2 CModelDeficit, just as i wanted it.
But when i try make the very same process using for-loops:
function M = meta2(obj)
M = [];
p = obj.getParameters();
for i = 1:0.1:0.9
for j = 1:0.1:0.9
p(3) = i;
p(4) = j;
M = [M,CModelDeficit(p)];
returns me just an empty vector.
It seems for me very confusing and illogical, that they have different behaviour.
I always thought, that, in such context, for-loop is a nicer way to write functions, then just typing nearly same thing 81 times.
I would appreciate a detailed explanation about inner structure of for-loops in this circumstances.
Thank You,
Pavel Bykov

Best Answer

Undoubtedly, you meant to have
for i = 1:-0.1:0.9
for j = 1:-0.1:0.9