MATLAB: Create an array contain no of string adding one by one


I would like to create an array in such a way that suppose the first element is 'Hi', second element is 'I', third element is 'am' and so on e.g. array(1) = 'Hi' array(2) = 'I' array(3) = 'am' array(4) = 'ABCD'

Best Answer

This is something that cannot be done in MATLAB. Azzi's answer shows the closest you can get, but for it instead of A(1) being 'Hi', instead A(1) would be {'Hi'} which is a cell array instead of a string. A{1} would be the string 'Hi' though.
array{1} = 'Hi'
array{2} = 'I'
array{3} = 'am'
array{4} = 'ABCD'