MATLAB: Create a tile of an odd number images where the row with odd number of images is centralized


I'm looking if it is possible to create a tile with an odd number of images (I'm my current case three images). There images are .png images that I would import using something like
img = imread('example.png'); %# Load a sample image
The idea is to then be able to add a xlabel to each image. By doing os I could make nice publication-ready images with (a), (b), … (z) notation.
A very bad example is given below:

Best Answer

I have not read much about using tiledlayout() so I cannot answer about "tiles" as such.
However, the approach that could be used with subplot would be:
im = imread('flamingos.jpg');
subplot(2,7,1:3); imshow(im); xlabel('top row left');
subplot(2,7,5:7); imshow(im); xlabel('top low right');
subplot(2,7,10:12); imshow(im); xlabel('bottom row center');
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