MATLAB: Create a specific vector from excel file

importing excel datavector

I want create a zero vector (1*24) and according to the appliances like for 'lights' (in Excel file ) create A1 zero vector (1*24) ,start and end time shows that A1 zero vector replace power value of 0.5 between 18-24 in row vector but the condition is that this 0.5 values put only 6 places randomly between 18-24. And similarly for all appliances. Like PHEV A17 vector it should contain 2.5 power value at 20-21-22-23-24-1-2-3-4-5-6 only for 4 (hours ) place randomly at any place between 20-6 .

Best Answer

If I understood correctly, the following is what you're looking for. It's basically the same as Jan's but I just did it for the rest of the data from your excel file
data = xlsread('apdata.xls');
data_len = length(data);
A = zeros(18,data_len);
fi = @(a,b) ([a:data_len 1:b]);
for i = 1:data_len
pVec = data(i,3)*ones(data(i,5),1);
ind = data(i,1):data(i,2);
ind = fi(data(i,1),data(i,2));
x = randperm(numel(ind));
x = x(1:data(i,5));
A(i,ind(x)) = pVec;