MATLAB: Create a new table based on variables of other tables (WITH DIFFERENT LENGTHS)


Hi! I want to create a new table based on variables of other tables; each variable has different length.
Supose I have a table (which name's "B"). I want to insert in another table the variables Type, Latitude, Longitude and Equtemp. I have another table which name is A and I want to take other variables of that table.
I'm trying to create a simple code but it gives me errors.
T = zeros(5, 14000); % T -> New table
T.Type = B.Type;
Unable to perform assignment because dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Can you help me? Thanks!!
MATLAB Version: R2019b.

Best Answer

T = zeros(5, 14000); % T -> New table
No, that's not a table. That's a matrix of 0s.
>I want to insert in another table the variables Type, Latitude, Longitude and Equtemp
If 1) the tables are the same height, 2) the variables listed above do not already exist in table A, and 3) you want to concatenate those variables to table A
A.Type = B.Type;
A.Latitude = B.Latitude;
% etc...
If the tables are not the same height you will need to pad the shorter table with some value (e.g. NaN) or horizontally concatenate them using outerjoin (see demo).
If the variable names already exist in table A you will need to use new variable names.
If you want to replace variables in table A with the variables in table B you would use the same syntax as above
A.Type = B.Type;