MATLAB: Create a matrix from another matrix

matrix array

I have a matrix A=[ 5 6 4; 1 2 8; 9 7 11] and two arrays that have the coordinates x,y of every variable of the matrix A.I want to create two matrixes.The first one will have instead the variables of matrix A,the x coordinate and the other one matrix the y.For example the matrix X will have X=[x(5) x(6) x(4); x(1) x(2) x(8); x(9) x(7) x(11)]. Can i do it with one command.At my problems i have much bigger matrixes and i cant write it one by one.

Best Answer

Hi Giannakis,
I guess just by using A as index:
A=[ 5 6 4; 1 2 8; 9 7 11];
x = 1:2:21
x =
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21
ans =
9 11 7
1 3 15
17 13 21