MATLAB: Create a mask of irregular pore-like shapes

Image Processing Toolboxirregularmaskporesrandom

I would love to have an automatic way of creating random masks consisting of irregular shapes which resemble pores in some kind of material. With a mask, I mean an image with pixels of value 1 where the shapes are present and pixels of value 0 where no shapes are present. As an example, consider the following mask (create in MS Paint with manual labor :-)): Pore-like irregular shaped mask Ideally, the code should have the following parameters:
  • average size of pores
  • number of pores
  • some irregularity parameter, high = highly irregular, low = more circular shaped
I did some attempts myself, but haven't found anything satisfying so far. The following example creates a mask that's to "regular" in my opinion:

Best Answer

You could try Voronoi, but that would probably be too regular also. So then I'd suggest you look into creating an image of Perlin Noise. It's used in computer graphics and the movie industry to create a huge variety or textures, terrains, and surfaces. Getting the right one and thresholding would probably work.
See my clouds demo attached below for another way. It's based on the oft-referenced Prof. Peter Kovesi's MATLAB code.