MATLAB: Create a GUI to serve as simple ANN to classify the 3 inputs to good or bad

codeguideneural network

I have train the neural network with nprtool. I have the identified the best neural network configuration. The GUI will allow the user to enter 3 inputs in numbers, and to classify the inputs into GOOD or BAD. Question & Help Needed: I have no concern to create the GUI layout but need help to create the coding (either callback or createFcn)

Best Answer

in your matlab command window,type
Design your GUI. Subsequently, click
button> (left hand side)> callback> create call back
In the call back function, get the text from box. Remember convert them to correct format for your code after that.
a= app.EditFieldLabel.Text;
b= app.EditFieldLabel.Text;
c= app.EditFieldLabel.Text;
then run your code, display your result in the label component
app.Label.Text = 'good';
How to change colour of Lamp?
if a>=0 || b>=0 || c>=0
app.Lamp.Color = [1 0 0];
[1 0 0] is red colour and [0 1 0] is green colour. Refer to here for colour specification in MATLAB