MATLAB: Create a gaussian from x values

distributionfemgaussianheat equationvector

Hello !
I have a 1×301 array (vector V) of equally sparsed values generated with linspace(0,1,301) and I would like to create a gaussian from those values.
The gaussian should be centered on the middle of the vector V and the central value generated by the gaussian should be 1 (the sigma, spread, is not important).
I tried several ways to do it but I can't manage to obtain a bell curve distribution of Y values over my X axis.
So far I had:
V = linspace(0,L,301)
sigma = 1;
nu = V(length((V-1)/2));
x = V-nu;
T0 = (1/(sigma*sqrt(2)))*exp(-((1/2)*((x/sigma).^2)));
What should I write instead ? It feels like it comes from my gaussian expression.
Thank you in advance !

Best Answer

V = linspace(0,L,301);
sigma = L/20;
T0 = exp(-((V-mean(V))/sigma).^2/2);