MATLAB: Create a function that is the derivate of a f=@(t) function

differential equationsfunctionmatlab function

having a function
fa=@(x) x^5-0.4475*x.^4-3.1*x.^3 + 3.085*x.^2-0:962*x+ 0:0943
how to calculate
dfa=@(x) diff(fa)
so that it is still a function and i can calculate,for example:

Best Answer

Maybe this:
fa = @(x)x^5-0.4475*x.^4-3.1*x.^3+3.085*x.^2-0.962*x+0.0943
g = sym(fa);
dg = diff(g);
df = matlabFunction(dg)
df =
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