MATLAB: Create a 4D matrix with specific range values

MATLABmatricesmatrix manipulation

I would like to create a 4D matrix with specific range values:
For the first dimension, values from [5 10 15 … 200] so basically 5*[1:40]
For the second dimension, values from the list [8 10 20 25 40 50 100 200]
For the third dimension, values from [1 2 3 … 10] so [1:10]
For the fourth dimension, values from [1 2 … 50] that is [1:50]
When accessing a specific "value" of that matrix, I would like to be able to view these rages that I've set up for each dimension. For example: A(2,1,2,3) = [10 8 2 3] (in this case)
How can I do that?
Thank you.

Best Answer

You can store the error
In quadruple loop over all 4 parameters...
theActualValue = whatever(..........
thisError = SomeFunctionToComputeError(theActualValue, theExpectedTrueValue);
% Save error for this combination of parameters.
A(samplingRate, windowSize, numLayers, numNeurons) = thisError;