MATLAB: Create a 3×3 cell array with random numbers

random number array

hi, i have the follow variable mx = {randi(50,600,1); randi(360,60,1); randi(50,60,1)} this is a 3×1 cell array. I want to create a 3×3 cell array with random numbers. how can i do that?

Best Answer

I guess you don't mean scalar numerics, but rather numeric arrays of arbitrary size. I answered in a previous question of yours that you should consider working more with numeric arrays... these can be converted easily to cell arrays later.
For this question, as I also answered previously, one possibility is to create your numeric array and then use mat2cell to convert this into a cell array of numeric arrays. Something like this:
In your example your three randi calls are over different ranges. Note that there is no possibility to create one numeric array using just one call to randi but with different ranges.