MATLAB: Create 2 scatterplots side by side


I am trying to create 2 side by side scatter plots but I cannot figure out how to get my data to scatter, I tried the scatter command but keep getting an error message. data1 is for the left graph and data 2 for the right. How can I get my data to scatter on both graphs like so:
data1 = [9.3 480; 9.7 501; 9.7 540; 9.7 552; 9.9 547; 10.2 622; 10.5 655; 11 701; 10.6 712; 10.6 708];
data2 =[169.8;99;129;159.1;108.8;118.7;78.4;27.8;57.9;17.6];
%make 2 figures
% add first plot in 2 x 1 grid
ylabel('Engineering Doctorates');
xlabel ('Cheese Consumption');
box 'on'
axis square;
axis([9 11 500 700])
% add second plot in 2 x 1 grid
ylabel('Kentucky Marriage Rate');
xlabel('Fishing Boat Drownings');
box 'on'
axis square;
axis([0 20 7 10]);
%white background

Best Answer

Dear mini ayachi,
you need to add a line after you declare each subplot to plot the data into the scatter plot.
scatter(data1(:,1), data1(:,2), '+', ''markerfacecolor', 'b')
scatter(data2(:,1), data2(:,2), 'x', ''markerfacecolor', 'b')
Best, Sandro