MATLAB: Creat a Simple GUI


I saved "mat" file after 3 Steps in my project(for load it in GUI),Because any step Takes a long time.
now I need to create GUI .
please look at this picture and Help me for create it(it's very simple):

Best Answer

You might want to look at this framework, where most of the common controls are there and you just have to paste in your custom code. But it handles loading filenames, letting user specify a folder, etc.
This GUI will help the novice user get up to speed very quickly on using GUI-based applications. Everything is laid out in a very simple Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, etc. layout. It is a very good starting point for a typical image analysis application. This application uses GUIDE to do the user interface design, and has most of the basic controls such as buttons, listboxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, scrollbars, etc. It allows the user to .................
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