MATLAB: Creat a loop to generate a a mean value of data which I got form TXT files then plot the results

for loopstructtext file

I trying to do script to evalute my lab data into matlab, I have lots of txt files for many samples, each sample has 30 txt files. I did a function to get the data from these files and store them into a structure that contains data and labels. I would like to know if it is possible to load all the 30 files using loop instead of line by line .
function s = try1(fn) % adapt for other file format according to your needs fid = fopen(fn); = []; % skip first lines
for k=1:6
l = fgetl(fid);
% read header
a = regexp(l,',','split');
s.labels = a;
l = fgetl(fid);
while( (l~=-1)&(k<130) )
l = l(1:end-1);
a = regexp(l,', ','split');
a = regexpre
p(a, ',','.'); = [; str2double(a(2:4))];
l = fgetl(fid);
k = k+1;
then i used this code to fetch the data form folder directory
dataDirectory = 'c:/myDirectory';
allFilesDir = dir(fullfile(dataDirectory , '*.txt'));
allFN = {}
% Or do this:
% allFN = {'file1.txt', 'file2.txt'};
result = [];
for ind = 1:length(allFN)
myFN = fullfile(dataDirectory, allFN{ind});
result(ind) = try1(myFN);
% Now get the mean:
myMean = mean([])
but i got this error The following error occurred converting from struct to double: Error using ==> double Conversion to double from struct is not possible. Error in ==> getmean at 13 result(ind) = try1(myFN); any idea about porb \\

Best Answer

I went to 3D array option then squeeze my results to get the results in this way
But I got them into 3*35 not 35*3 I will try to find a way to flip the data as I want ..