MATLAB: Counting using Statistics tools


Hello dear people please can anyone help me write a code to count these points in each quarter of the graph attached

Best Answer

Presumably you already have the (x,y) coordinates if you've plotted the data.
You just need to use indexing (the main superpower of Matlab) to determine which points are in which quadrants.
For example,
centerPoint_x = min(xlim) + range(xlim)/2;
centerPoint_y = % Same thing as above but with ylim
quad1 = x >= centerPoint_x & y >= centerPoint_y;
quad2 = x < centerPOint_x & y >= centerPoint_y;
quad3 = % fill in....
quad4 = % file in....
% Points that are in Quad1 are
x(quad1), y(quad1)