MATLAB: Counting the number of objects

image processing

I have an brain image and there are three overlapped objects.The overlapped object is nails ..can i count these overlapped medical images

Best Answer

Hello, Pat.
It is possible to count the nails.
You just need to perform some morphologichal operations, such as
erosion, area open, etc.
Then, in the next step you need to count the objects. You can use regionsprops command.
Here my demo :
Irgb = imread('n7vGa.jpg');
Igray = rgb2gray(Irgb);
Ibw = im2bw(Igray, 0.9);
se = strel('square',2);
Imorph = imerode(Ibw,se);
Iarea = bwareaopen(Imorph,130);
Idiff = Imorph - Iarea;
Ifinal = bwareaopen(Idiff,70);
stat = regionprops(Ifinal,'BoundingBox');
str = sprintf('number of detected nails : %d', length(stat));
imshow(Irgb); title(str); hold on;
for cnt = 1 : length(stat)
bb = stat(cnt).BoundingBox;
And the result :
Is that you meant??