MATLAB: Counting the number of elements under multiple conditions


Hi there,
I need to count the number of elements in column y that confirm two conditions:
  1. When the column x is greater than 0.
  2. When column y is greater than 0.
clear all
rB5_SMA50Diff14 = xlsread('xy.xlsx');
x = xlsread('xy.xlsx', 'B:B');
y = xlsread('xy.xlsx', 'A:A');
rows = x(:,5)>0; %Logical vector with the rows which satisfy all conditions.
if any(rows) % True if there is at least 1 row which meats the condition.
Winners= numel(y(rows)>0); %Counts the number of elements that are greater than 0.
My code returns the total number of elements in column y that fall under rows where column x > 0.
Can you please help me find the number of elements in column y that are > 0 and correspond to column x when column x > 0.
Best, A

Best Answer

Assuming x and y are 1-D column vectors and are the same length, why can't you just get the count like this:
Winners = sum(x>0 & y>0)