MATLAB: Counting sEMG RMS Peaks

averagingelectromyographygeneral linear mod...general linear modelingSignal Processing Toolbox

I am reaching out to see if I can get some assistance. I am using the Signal Processing Toolbox to analyze RMS sEMG signals. Is it possible to have the Signal Processing Toolbox to average the peak amplitudes within a certain time period? Also, is it possible to obtain the slopes of all the peak amplitude to examine out the burst pattern changes over time? If so, how is this performed?
Thank you for any assistance anyone can provide.

Best Answer

To get the peaks (and their locations and some other characteristics on them) use the findpeaks (link) function. You can then do whatever statistics you want to on them.
The gradient (link) function can calculate the instantaneous derivatives of your data to get the slopes.
You might also find the envelope (link) function helpful.
I do not understand what you want with ‘the slopes of all the peak amplitude’. The peak amplitude of any given peak would be a point, so the slope would be undefined.