MATLAB: Counting repeated values paired with other repeated values and placing those counts in an array

arrayfunhistcMATLABpaired rowsrepeated values

I have a dataset in which different stimulus levels are presented multiple times. So far I've managed to boil this down using unique and arrayfun to produce one column of unique values and a second column stating how many times the unique value was presented during the experiment. Here's my code for that, which I obtained through looking in MATLAB's FAQs regarding unique:
if true
myfastrepeat1(:,1) = unique(myfasttotal1(:,1));
myfastrepeattemp = arrayfun(@(x)length(find(myfasttotal1(:,1) == x)), unique(myfasttotal1(:,1)), 'Uniform', false);
myfastrepeat1(:,2) = cell2mat(myfastrepeattemp);
So say I have three incidences of stimulus -0.5768 – of those three presentations, the observer got two presentations correct. In my myfasttotal1 file, this would be represented thus:
[-0.5768, 0; -0.5768, 1; -0.5768, 1]
Having got this far, I'm now a bit stuck as to how to tackle creating a new column in myfastrepeat1 which states how many presentations were correct for each unique stimulus. I'm not sure whether I should still be using arrayfun for this or using histc, or indeed going down the indexing route. I figure that provided I can get MATLAB to consider each set of repeated stimulus values as a group, I could then get the count of 1 for each group, so in the above example the count of 1s would be 2, representing the number of correct answers.
Thankyou in advance for any advice you can give, and if you need more elaboration on what I'm trying to do, let me know!

Best Answer

[un,trash,sub] = unique(myfasttotal1(:,1));
count = accumarray(sub,myfasttotal1(:,2));
[un, count]
The last line will display for each stimulus level, the number of successes.